Photography is my passion. Sometimes it is the first thought when I wake up and the last one before I go to sleep. And yet, I care much more about the subjects, the stories and themes of life, ultimately, the people that I photograph. I will always try to make pictures about something – as opposed to of something.

There is this feeling whenever I manage to get a clear view on the very core of a story, it comes like a eureka-moment, but with less euphoria, more silent, sometimes with joy, often with disillusionment or even sadness. This nucleus, this significance of a story is what I look for and when I find it, I’m trying to photograph it.

I’m also quite obsessed with black & white as you might notice, it literally helps me focus. And I too believe that sharpness is a completely overrated bourgeois concept (Henrie Cartier Bresson).

Based in Graz, Austria, I have been freelancing for magazines, NGOs, and above all, for a number of daily newspapers in recent years. Apart from my work as a photojournalist, I’ve always tried to pursue my own independent (longterm) documentary-projects. Many of them making me look deeper into my own direct local and social environment, others taking me farer away and some steps out of my comfort zone.

Flüchtlinge warten vor dem Sammelzentrum an der Slowenisch-Österreichischen Grenze im Gebiet von Spielfeld am Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015. Im Bild zeigt ein Fotograf Flüchtlingskindern seine Bilder.

Flüchtlinge warten vor dem Sammelzentrum an der Slowenisch-Österreichischen Grenze im Gebiet von Spielfeld am Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015. Im Bild zeigt ein Fotograf Flüchtlingskindern seine Bilder.

Photo and caption by: APA/Erwin Scheriau (refugees border crossing SVN-AUT; October 2015)